neelam rai is....

Friday, January 30, 2009

i've got liquid ice running through my veins, and shooting daggers in my gaze.

have you ever noticed that when people say, "no offense, but..." they always say something that completely offends you?
it really annoys me.. if you are going to say something that sounds offensive in your mind, and you don't want it to seem offensive, your best bet to NOT offend someone is to NOT say anything at all.

to clarify: me, vince and rick talked for a long time, i talked to vince for a minimum of 2 hours. rick on the other hand arrived a little bit later, big fucking deal. why do you care? rick was my friend before i even knew who you were. so don't act like its some big deal if i talk to him. whats it to you? god that fucking pisses me off. and yes i mentioned you. wanna know why? cus we were talking about being HIGH, do you know who was always there when i was? YOU. so excuse me if i have a few stories that involve you. i wasn't going on about how much "i miss you" or some other bullshit. my goodness. "not to be an ass, but..." are you that self-involved? 

way to fucking rain on my parade, i was in a good fucking mood. 

this next semester is gonna be kinda stressful.. isn't it?
i was really hoping that it would be fun.. but this lil melodrama is gonna get in the way.. i can just feel it. ick.

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